

“Good WiFi connectivity adds six additional camping days to every stay, and revenue to you.”

Source: North American Camping Report 2019

◇ Do you have WiFi at your campground, lodging and amenities?

◇ How do your customers rate the wireless service?

◇ Would you like your WiFi to be better, faster, have more coverage?

RF-Works is a specialized professional engineering company based in Ohio that has completed thousands of successful wireless deployments. We deliver proven state of the art wireless designs for our customers including Ohio’s State Parks.

We would like to discuss how we could bring – WiFi that Works™ to your property. Statistics suggest that people camp to unplug, but more and more each year, those same campers expect WiFi coverage and performance. WiFi-connected-campers stay longer and are more likely to become your loyal returning customers if they can stay in touch with family and work, even when they are trying to get away from it all.

Possibly you already deployed something on your property, but it’s not working as planned. Maybe you are attempting to roll-out your first WiFi technology and don’t have the skills and tools. We can design great WiFi for your staff and guests. We understand RF coverage and network capacity that allows high-speed connectivity for multiple clients with different WiFi needs. We are flexible on the approach to your success. We offer several solutions with a variety of purchase options. All options can include remote monitoring, on-site service, and support for you and your guests. We handle it all with your input and within your budget. Let us take the first step with you to provide an enhanced digital campground.

Enhance your Campers Digital Experience

Great WiFi delivers to you loyal returning customers, which is the beginning of increased demand and revenue. Campers and RVers talk. They pull into their assigned spaces at any park in the United States and they start chatting with the other Campers and RVers who are spending the night. One of the favorite topics of conversation is which parks have the best WiFi. Campers use social media and online reviews to share their WiFi experiences. They tell other campers where to go and where not to go.

Wireless is Important to Your Success

◇ 97% of campers bring their technology

◇ 80% of campers go online while camping

◇ 70% of employed campers say there is pressure to work while camping

◇ RV campers have higher WiFi demands

◇ WiFi is now the 2nd most sought after amenity

Source: 5th Annual North American Camping Report 2019

About our Engineers

RF-Works is a specialized professional engineering company based in Ohio. Our principal engineers have been in WiFi since its inception and participated on the initial 802.11 standards committee. We would like to discuss how we could bring WiFi that Works™ to your properties. Click here to learn more about RF-Works.


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